I made Turkey Number Punch Cards for number recognition and fine motor development. I printed the patterns on cardstock paper and cut them out. I then laminated them for durability.
The patterns come in both black and white as well as color. Children use a hole punch and punch the dot under the correct number that matches the number on the turkey.
You can also clip clothespins on the turkey cards. We use mini clothespins but the activity still works the same with regular sized ones. Another things you can do is apply glue to the correct dot and place a sequin on that dot.
The cards also make great poke cards. Simply punch a hole on all three dots and flip the card over and make a circle around the correct dot. Children use a poker (we use a golf tee) an put it through the hole they think is a match and then they flip the card over to see if they are correct.
Using the cards with hots dots is also a favorite activity. Apply the cold dots to the incorrect matches and the hot dot to the correct one. Children then use a hot dots pen and press the tip to the hot dot.
You can watch a video of this activity by clicking on the image below. As of 2022 this activity can be found in the member's section.
You can watch a video of this activity by clicking on the image below. As of 2022 this activity can be found in the member's section.