I made a heart fine motor activity for one of our centers yesterday and the children really loved it. It was so easy to set up ... you just need large color paper clips and construction paper.
The paper clips I used were plastic coated and came in a pack of six different colors. I found mine at a grocery store but places like walmart ... the craft store ... and office supply stores should also sell them.
I made a heart pattern and traced around it on construction paper that matched the colors of the paper clips. I then cut the hearts out and laminated them.
I made a heart pattern and traced around it on construction paper that matched the colors of the paper clips. I then cut the hearts out and laminated them.
I set the hearts out in a small basket along with the paper clips. The children then picked a heart and put the same color paper clips on the heart. Play continued until all of the paper clips had been put on the hearts.
Because paper clips are small items be sure to use supervision with children under the age of three and those still in the stages of putting items in their mouths. You can grab the heart pattern here.