I recently attended a make and take session and one of the things we made was pumpkin spice paint. It is super easy to make but I felt the recipe we used was a bit too runny so I modified it a little.
To make the paint I put three packets of unflavored gelatine into a jar along with 1 cup of boiling water and mixed the two together until the gelatine was dissolved. I added yellow and red food coloring and stirred until I had an orange color I was happy with.
The last step was to add the pumpkin pie spice into the paint. I just continued to shake some in until I got the scent that I wanted. Everyone loved how the paint smelled and were very excited to paint with it.
I let the paint cool down which also helped to thicken it. The children then painted large circles on cardstock paper. When they painted they could see the specks of pumpkin spice. We let that paint dry and cut out the circle and glue it on to a sheet of colored cardstock paper. The children cut out a leaf and stem and glue that on the pumpkin. They then glue pumpkin seeds on for extra fine motor work.
You can see a video of our pumpkin spice paint below:
You can see a video of our pumpkin spice paint below: