Clothespin Counting
Clothespin counting is not only a great activity for developing math skills but is also wonderful for developing fine motor skills because of the pinching and grasping of the clothespins. I made number circles and printed them on cardstock paper. I then cut them out and laminated them and put the the clothespins in a bowl. I set the number circles out along with the clothespins and the children put the correct number of clothes pins on each number circles.
If you would like the clothespin number circles you can download them here. Playdough Cookie Cutters
Playdough is a favorite activity in any early learning environment. It is perfect for fine motor skills development when children pinch ... shape ... and roll the dough. It is also great for social and cognitive development as the children think of what to make and share their creations with their friends.
Plastic cookie cutters are wonderful tools to use with playdough. I purchased the two cookie cutter buckets shown in the picture above at Michael's Craft Store for under ten dollars each. You can also find them at walmart and amazon. |